Tsarvar monitors tens of thousands of servers around the world so that you can conveniently find the server you are interested in for every taste and any criteria. Especially for you, we have compiled a rating of the best top servers CS, Minecraft, HL, TF, L4D, Garry's Mod, ARMA, Rust, ARK, CoD, 7DTD and GTA.

This section contains servers from around the world for games: CS, Minecraft, HL, TF, L4D, Garry's Mod, ARMA, Rust, ARK, CoD, 7DTD and GTA. Select a game, if necessary, use the convenient search for servers by map, version, number of players on the server, etc. Only online servers are displayed in the list, the very first game servers with the best rating (with the largest number of players and with the best online) are displayed. Select a server for the game, on the server page you will find all the necessary information on the server: server IP, number and names of players, statistics on maps (you can see which maps are played on the server most often), statistics on players (each server has top players by the total number of frags). In addition, each server on our website has its own chat! We wish you a pleasant game!

If you have your own server, you can add a server to our monitoring and conveniently monitor server statistics on our website. If you are a server administrator, you can access editing information on your server on our website: indicate the site, groups in social networks, contact details, description, etc. If your server has its own website, you can embed the server widget in your website, which will display the current current information on your server (current map, player activity, etc.). You can also chat with the players of your server in the chat on the server page.